

The encyclopedia of Alfred Hitchcock

Contains over 1,200 alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock, and details about over fifty of his films, as well as the television shows he directed.

The encyclopedia of Orson Welles

Presents hundreds of alphabetized entries on films, projects, figures, and topics related to the career of American actor-director Orson Welles.

Edgar Allan Poe A to Z

the essential reference to his life and work
Presents more than 3,400 alphabetized entries on nineteenth-century American author Edgar Allan Poe's life and career, covering all of his major and most of his minor literary works, and includes a chronology, a selected bibliography, and a list of U.S. research collections on the author.

Encyclopedia of Cesar Chavez

the farm workers' fight for rights and justice
Discusses the life and achievements of Cesar Chavez as a workers' rights activist.

Arthurian myth and legend

an A-Z of people and places

All things Austen

an encyclopedia of Austen's world
Contains entries that provide information on people, places, events, and objects mentioned in the works of eighteenth-century English novelist Jane Austen; arranged alphabetically from A to L, with an introduction and list of works.

Shakespeare's world and work

an encyclopedia for students
Presents alphabetized, cross-referenced, illustrated entries on Shakespeare's life and texts, and Renaissance England; and includes time lines, sidebars, definitions in page margins, and other features designed especially for younger readers. Covers "Acting Companies, Elizabethan" through "History in Shakespeare's Plays.".

Chaucer A to Z

the essential reference to his life and works
Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about various aspects of the life and work of fourteenth-century poet Geoffery Chaucer; and includes cross-references, appendices, a map of the Canterbury pilgrims' route, a bibliography, and an index.

Susan B. Anthony

a biographical companion
Contains over one hundred alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about the significant events, people, publications, movements, and amendments associated with nineteenth-century activist Susan B. Anthony.

The complete Tolkien companion

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide reference information on names, dates, places, weapons, languages, food and drink, and other aspects of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth.


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