hospice care

Topical Term
hospice care

We all want impossible things

a novel /(Realistic Fiction)
As Edith, her best friend of forty-two years who is dying of ovarian cancer, spends her last days at a hospice near her, Ashley, stumbling around into heartbreak, helps Edith celebrate her life as they reminisce, hold on, and try to let go.

We are all made of stars

a novel
"Hospice nurse Stella prefers the night shift after Afghanistan left her veteran husband a changed man, haunted at night by memories he can't bring himself to share. Writing final letters for her hospice patients to their loved ones gives Stella the chance to help others communicate as she cannot. She only has one rule: she mails the letter only once her patient is no longer alive. When she meets a patient with a chance at redemption, she finds herself torn between respecting a dying woman's wishes and reuniting her with the son she abandoned years ago"--.

The hospice movement

easing death's pains
Using social movement theory to frame her discussion, Siebold traces the bell curve growth, maturity, and decline that has characterized the hospice movement.

Audacity to love

the story of Hospice Africa : bringing hope and peace for the dying

A healing touch

true stories of life, death, and hospice
A collection of six essays which celebrate the help of hospice workers at the end of an individual's life.

Living at the end of life

a hospice nurse addresses the most common questions
A guide for individuals facing the end of life that discusses common concerns such as emotional and spiritual issues, addressing conflict and unresolved issues, adapting to a changing appetite, managing pain medications, and the service and therapies offered by hospice care.

Izzy & Lenore

two dogs, and unexpected journey, and me

In the light of dying

the journals of a hospice volunteer

The hospice movement

a better way of caring for the dying


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