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Forbidden scrollery

In this final volume, Kosuzu discovers the origins of demons and just how far their influence reaches. That knowledge sends her on a quest to find out the truth about Gensokyo.

Forbidden scrollery

Some unusual gossip causes chaos in Gensokyo and a few devious people are seeking to guide that chaos to their own advantage. The delicate balance between demons and humans soon falls at risk.

Forbidden scrollery

Suzanaan has been making a killing in sales from both demon and human customers alike throughout Gensokyo. However, her insatiable curiosity leads her into trouble following rumors spreading in the city that have also drawn in Reimu, Marisa, and the other regulars.

Forbidden scrollery

Kosuzu is brimming with curiosity for all things demonic in the book rental shop Suzunaan. This day, like any other, is full of adventures, including some dine-and-dash incidents, scarily accurate fortune-telling, the mysteries of Kokkuri-san, and a deadly, hidden print-on-demand scheme ruining Suzanaan's business.

Forbidden scrollery

Kosuzu, Reimu, and Marisa hope to understand the truth surrounding the mysteries of Gensokyo. But the more they learn about spirits and demons, the more questions they have.

Forbidden scrollery

New mysteries in new odd books abound as Kosuzu finds herself in an adventure of flying books, vampire creature pets, and the mystery of something called a "Berlin Wall.".

Forbidden scrollery

In the book rental shop Suzunaan, the resident expert Kosuzu Motoori can provide the people of the world of Gensokyo with books that are on the more forbidden, demonic side of the aisle. Borrowers should beware, however, because no demonic book comes without consequences.
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