Doyle, Abby Badach

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Crazy Horse

The Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876 is a major event in the history of Native Americans in the United States. And Crazy Horse played a big role in his people's success in that battle. This historical biography offers a comprehensive history of Crazy Horse's life, including discussion of his early life and his involvement with the Oglala Lakota tribe, concluding with his death. Historical context shows how he affected history and supports social studies classroom learning. Fact boxes and historical images, as well as a concluding timeline, aid readers understanding.

Black Elk

Black Elk has an important place in Native American history and United States history, having been a big part of the Battle of Wounded Knee. A medicine man of the Oglala Sioux with great talents as a healer, Black Elk is a fascinating figure for young readers to learn about. In this volume, his life and importance are discussed in age-appropriate detail. Historical context in the main text and fact boxes supplements social studies classroom learning as well as awareness of other cultures. A concluding timeline sums up Black Elk's life to aid readers' understanding.

Landslides and mudslides reshape Earth!

Landslides and mudslides are some of the most dangerous forces in nature. In seconds, these roaring rivers of earth and rocks can uproot trees, flip cars, and destroy whole neighborhoods.

Biogeology reshapes Earth!

Everything is connected on Earth, even if we can't see it right away. Biogeology is the study of the important and sometimes weird relationships between living things and the Earth itself. Young readers might know how beavers dam rivers to make ponds, but they probably don't know about the hungry bacteria that eat rocks to make sparkly minerals like pyrite.


"In the digital age, it's never been easier to broadcast your voice to the world. With podcasts, all you need is a microphone, a computer, some time, and a story to tell. Meet the radio and podcast pioneers who got the trend started . . . a behind-the-scenes look at how a podcast is made"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Podcasters

Plate tectonics reshape Earth!

Have you ever noticed how some continents seem like they could fit together like puzzle pieces? That's because millions of years ago they did. This exciting book dives deep to explain the action-packed science of tectonic plates. Colorful maps point out where to find the Earth's major and minor tectonic plates. Dramatic photographs and vivid diagrams show what happens when they collide. Curious readers will love this high-interest take on geology because even when standing still, the ground beneath our feet is slowly on the move.

Social media influencers

It seems crazy, but you really can make hundreds of thousands of dollars just by posting pictures online. "Social media influencer" is a real job for many people, and even some pets. This on-trend volume is filled with relatable examples similar to the posts young readers may see in feeds every day. Better yet, this book is a clever way to teach critical thinking skills, like how to spot an advertisement and why it matters if your favorite Instagrammer was paid to review a product. Developing readers will be hooked by this fun and educational look behind the scenes.


Some bloggers write just for fun. Others turn their blogs into a full-time business. Did you ever wonder how they do it? In the enlightening pages of this volume, readers go behind the scenes of the blogosphere, the online community of bloggers and their readers. They get tips and tricks that bloggers use to build a fan base and learn how bloggers get their posts noticed on social media and search engines like Google. They'll also discover how a blog makes money through ads, sponsorships, and more. From food to fashion, gaming to gardening, there's a blog for every hobby.


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