Coding careers for tomorrow

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Coding careers in transportation

Transportation is changing in exciting ways, and computerization is playing a major role in this transition. Automated systems such as computer-controlled cameras and traffic signals, new software for the design of transportation systems and highways, remote monitoring of commercial vehicles such as trucks, and automation of vehicles are all changing the way that people and goods move. The most exciting trend is the development of autonomous cars, planes, trains, and trucks. This book uses sidebars, photographs, and professional examples to describe the transportation technologies that require coders and the opportunities that exist, now and in the future, for coders in the field. It explains courses students can take in high school and college or technical school to become successful coders in the future. It also provides advice on how to find a job as a coder in the transportation field.

Coding careers in transportation

Explores the various coding careers, focusing on transportation engineering.

Coding careers in the military

Explores the various coding careers, focusing on the military.

Coding careers in manufacturing

Explores the various coding careers, focusing on manufacturing.

Coding careers in internet security

Explores the various coding careers, focusing on internet security.

Coding careers in entertainment and games

Explores the various coding careers, focusing on entertainment and gaming.

Coding careers in the military

The military relies on computer systems for all sorts of tasks, including communication, data analysis, geospatial analysis, decision-making, weapons control, simulation, testing, and administration. Many of these systems are coded by enlisted members of the military or by outside contractors hired by the military. This cool volume introduces readers to the types of coding jobs available in the military today and in the future, and explores the types of technologies that military coders employ. Using vivid photographs, primary examples, and professional advice, it provides an outlet for budding coders in the military field and ensures they are prepared to tackle the future of the coding industry.

Coding careers in the energy industry

The availability of energy affects every aspect of our lives, from driving to electricity and computer function. Coding is crucial to energy creation and distribution. It plays a vital role in locating new sources of traditional fossil fuels, building alternative energy systems, evaluating the impact of new energy systems on the environment, and creating smart grids to distribute energy efficiently. This book explains the opportunities for coders in the energy industry today and in the future, and provides insight into what it is like to work on software development in the energy field. It provides students with guidance on courses to take in high school and beyond, and offers advice on how to obtain a job as a coder in the energy industry.

Coding careers in internet security

In recent years, computer programming, or coding, has become a core competency for all kinds of skilled workers, opening the door to a variety of jobs. Among these are jobs in internet security, which is a field that has grown in importance as more people work, shop, and play online. This essential guide introduces readers to the types of jobs available in this field both now and in the future, and the industries these jobs serve. It also discusses common security threats, new technologies to address them, and critical resources for getting involved.

Coding careers in the energy industry

Explores the various coding careers, focusing on the energy industry.
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