
Topical Term


the Rose Wilder Lane story
A graphic novel biography of feminist founder of Libertarianism and an alleged cowriter of the "Little House on the Prairie" series, Rose Wilder Lane.

Who are libertarians and what do they believe in?

This narrative examines what libertarians believe is the best role for government in protecting individual freedoms.

Don't burn this book

thinking for yourself in an age of unreason
"This book is both an explanation of the current political upheaval and your guide to surviving it. This book will inspire you to make up your own mind about what you believe on any issue, and show you how to: check your facts, not your privilege; no matter your gender, economic class, or level of education, you're still allowed to have opinions. [The author] provides a roadmap for true classically liberal principles regardless of your party affiliation, and shows you why freedom is impossible without them. [This book] empowers you with time-tested and common-sense principles that can turn the tide against authoritarians on both sides in this increasingly polarized world. This book is a rallying cry for anyone who wants to live freely, which is quickly becoming the most radical belief you could have"--Provided by publisher.
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