Far out folktales

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John Henry, steel-drivin' elf

a graphic novel
In this graphic adaptation of the American folktale, John Henry is the strongest elf in Gem Forest, able to carve out a perfect mining tunnel with a single swing of his hammer; so when Snotsworthy the gnome invents a machine that digs tunnels without the need for paid workers, John Henry challenges the gnome to a contest on sinister Witchfinger Mountain--home to a tribe of sleeping orcs.

Johnny Slimeseed and the freaky forest

a graphic novel
In this graphic adaptation of the American folk tale, young Johnny Slimeseed is a gentle monster who does not look forward to Fright Night like the other monster kids in Nightmare swamp--so, with advice from a wise worm, he decides to plant a forest of slime trees to entertain the other swamp kids and give them something other than scaring humans to do.

Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Whale

a graphic novel
In this graphic adaptation of the American folktale, Paul Bunyan is the biggest and strongest merman in the underwater city of Atlantis; at twelve years old he has already dragged the city away from a volcano and rescued a baby blue whale who is now his companion--but now he has to protect the citizens of Atlantis from five mega-sharks who are looking to have mermen for lunch.

Pecos Bill, monster wrangler

a graphic novel
Raised by Sasquatches, Pecos Bill now lives with the Crypto Kids Gang on a ranch devoted to protecting mythical creatures, and travels the world finding cryptids and bringing them to the sanctuary--but the ranch is getting crowded, the waterholes are drying up, and a girl named Sue is determined to ride Bill's bunyip, despite being warned about the tempermental beast. In graphic novel format.
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