school comics

school comics


"Charlie has a foolproof plan for the first day at her new middle school. Even though she's used to starting over as the new kid-thanks to her military family's constant moving-making friends has never been easy for her. But this time, her first impression needs to last, since this is where her family plans to settle for good. So she's hiding any interests that may seem 'babyish,' updating her look, and doing her best to leave her shyness behind her...but is erasing the real Charlie the best way to make friends? When not everything goes exactly to plan-like, AT ALL-Charlie is ready to give up on making new friendships. Then she meets the Curlfriends, a group of Black girls who couldn't be more different from each other, and learns that maybe there is a place for Charlie to be her true self after all"--Publisher.

Eerie tales from the School of Screams

"School is tough. School is scary. School is Eerie. No one knows this better than Davis and Emily. But they're not scared of school because of tough tests or merciless vice-principals. No, they're scared because their teacher wants her students to present the class with the spookiest, most chilling stories they can think of"--Provided by publisher.

Mall Goth

"Set in the early 2000s, Mall Goth is a coming-of-age story about Goth Liv Holme, who has to navigate growing up amidst moving, starting at a new school, and the dissolution of her parents' marriage"--Provided by publisher.

What happens next?

"Megan Hathaway is in charge of Sunbright Middle School's talent show, and everything is going wrong. Animals are running wild backstage, vice-principal Fisher is out for blood, and Megan's friend Olivia might be turning into a zombie. Can you help Megan salvage this mess, or will you doom her to an eternity in the school's basement?!"--Provided by publisher.


"Elle is just another teenage girl, most of the time. Bubbly and good-natured, she wastes no time making friends on her first day at her new school. But Elle has a secret: she hasn't come alone. She's brought with her a colorful mix of personalities, which come out when she least expects it..."--Back cover.

Yaqui Delgado wants to kick your ass

the graphic novel
A graphic novel adaptation of the book, in which Piddy Sanchez deals with bullying at her new school, and as the harassment escalates, she struggles to survive and to discover who she really is.


"When the three meanest girls in school start casting spells, 12-year-old Shakti draws on ancient Indian magic to stop them but instead curses the entire town and must harness her own strength, power and empathy to save those she loves and end the hate"--Provided by publisher.

Run on your new legs

"When the worsening pandemic forces schools to close temporarily, Kikuzato and the other members of the track and field club must find creative ways to keep up their training. The anticipation of his new custom running prosthesis is more than enough to motivate Kikuzato, but his excitement is undercut by the presence of his father, now working from home. Will being in close quarters bring father and son together or drive them even further apart?!"--Back cover.

The cool code

"When the coding club finds that their app has a malicious user, Morgan, Zoey, and Daniel code an update to contend with a mischievous AI llama that's guiding a not-so-popular kid named Marcus to cause chaos in the school. Annoying little siblings, chaotic pranks, and more abound as they race to repair the glitchy app--and their own friendships--in their school before the damage is irreversible"--Provided by publisher.

The love report

"BFFs Grace and Lola talk about everything related to romance--and have lots of questions: What about the mysterious allure of the popular girl at school? And the rebellious goth with the reputation? And boys. They don't quite understand what makes some school romances soar to legendary heights, while other flirtations fizzle. Lola has an idea--they'll observe, study, and analyze all the couples at their Junior High--and compile their findings as The Love Report. Surprises await them, and force them to learn to see beyond appearances in this fast-paced series opener. They'll also discover secrets between themselves"--Provided by publisher.


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