Graphic library. Movements and resistance

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The Delano grape strike

"On September 16, 1965, Filipino and Mexican American migrant workers joined together to strike against the grape growers in Delano, California. The farmers left the fields to demand better wages and benefits. Led by Larry Itliong, Cesar Chavez, and Dolores Huerta, the two groups created a union called the United Farm Workers of America. For five years, UFW brought attention to their cause through boycotts, a 300-mile march, and other nonviolent efforts in what became an important victory in the fight for labor and farmworker rights in the United States"--Provided by publisher.

Shays' Rebellion

"In 1786, the Massachusetts government was seizing farmers' lands and throwing them in jail for unpaid debts and taxes. But many people couldn't pay because they had not yet been paid for fighting in the Revolutionary War just a few years before. Frustrated by this treatment, Daniel Shay led upset citizens in an armed revolt. Although their rebellion was short lived, it made clear to America's leaders that the young nation needed to change its laws, paving the way for the creation of the U.S. Constitution"--.

The Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire and the fight for workers' rights

"In November 1909, thousands of factory workers walked off the job to protest the terrible working conditions in New York City factories. Joining the picket lines was dangerous, with thugs and police officers harassing picketers, but the protests stirred action. Many factory owners finally agreed to some of the workers' demands and improved conditions. But nothing changed for workers at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, and those workers would pay a high price for the company's dangerous conditions. In 1911, a devastating fire swept through the Triangle factory, killing 146 workers. In the months following the tragedy, the rights of workers finally gained real traction as the state government formed a safety commission and enacted new safety laws"--Provided by publisher.

The 1899 newsboys' strike

"In the late 1800s, newsboys--or 'newsies'--were a critical part of the newspaper industry. They bought stacks of papers from newspaper publishers and then sold them on city streets for a small profit. But in 1898, William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal and Joseph Pulitzer's New York World raised the cost of 100 papers by 10 cents. The price increase cut into the newsboys' profits, and by the summer of 1899 their frustration boiled over. They banded together and showed the world how activists of any age can use a strike to win against even the most rich and powerful"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The 1899 newsboys' strike

The Boston Tea Party

By December of 1773, American colonists had grown increasingly frustrated. Among their complaints was that the British government had imposed a tea tax on colonists. The Americans objected because it was taxation without representation; that is, they had no say in who was elected to parliament. As tensions grew, plans formed to protest the tax by pouring hundreds of containers of tea into the Boston Harbor. One of the first acts of protest in America, the Boston Tea Party helped spark America's fight for independence.
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