Essential careers

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Careers in trucking

Explores the tasks that a professional and commercial truck driving career entails and offers advice on how to pursue a career in trucking.

Careers in restaurants

Identifies career options in the restaurant industry, including chefs, bakers, servers, and bartenders, and describes the education and training required for each position.

A career as a dental hygienist

Describes the career of dental hygienists, and how to get a job in that field.

A career as a teacher

(found in career section)
Provides an introduction to teaching and offers information on how to have a successful career as a teacher.

A career as a chef

This book charts the various paths one can take to pursue a career in the culinary arts, while also highlighting the latest industry trends, including farm-to-table, locavore, and organic philosophies, practices, and techniques.

A career as a plumber

Provides an introduction to plumbing and offers information on how to have a successful career as a plumber.


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