religion and sociology

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religion and sociology

Religion in contemporary society

Religion is on a decline in the United States, as the religiously unaffiliated segment climbs to more than 25% of the overall population. This is likely due to demographic shifts, but it may also be influenced by factors such as mass migrations from rural to urban areas and the advancement of isolating technology. Additionally, many are turned off by what they consider outdated stances and exclusiveness of many religions. Given these changes, what place does religion have in contemporary society? Can it adjust with the times? Diverse experts in the field tackle this timely topic.

Japanese culture

the religious and philosophical foundations
Looks at the cultural history of Japan through its diverse religious and philosophical traditions.

The religious right and American politics

Explores the influence of religion on legislation and society, while examining the alignment of the religious right with the political right.

Why religion?

a personal story
The author draws on personal experiences and the perspectives of neurologists, anthropologists, and historians to illuminate the enduring capacity of faith in explaining and meeting the challenges of the twenty-first century.

Ancient to modern

religion, power, and community in India
A collection of essays that discusses the traditions, practices, and culture of religion in India across different regions and historical periods.


Defines fundamentalism, describes and compares Christian, Islamic, and other forms of fundamentalism, and contemplates future developments in fundamentalism in several countries. Includes a time line, glossary, and further reading list.

Battleground religion

Contains seventy-two alphabetically arranged entries that examine the influence of religion on social and political issues such as abortion, capital punishment, immigration, and same-sex marriage, and includes an introduction, guide to related topics, and an index.

Religion in politics and society

Presents twenty-four periodical articles on religion's relationship to culture, political violence, ecology, and gender, as well as new religions and religious conversion.

American grace

how religion divides and unites us
Examines the influence of religion on American society and culture, and looks at how that impact has changed since the mid-twentieth century.
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