Alternator books. Boss lady bios

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Ariana Grande

music superstar
A biography of singer and actress Ariana Grande that traces her career from local talent to global superstar and discusses her work as an advocate for mental health.

Malala Yousafzai

heroic education activist
"Malala Yousafzai's activism has placed her in grave danger from the Taliban, but she remains determined to defend girls' right to an education. Follow Yousafzai from young blogger to Nobel Peace Prize recipient"--Provided by publisher.

Kylie Jenner

makeup mogul
"At twenty-two, Kylie Jenner is a makeup mogul, a mother, and an anti-bullying advocate. But she has been a household name since she was nine. Follow her journey from young reality star to successful tycoon"--Provided by publisher.

JoJo Siwa

fan favorite
"Fans of JoJo Siwa--or as she calls them, Siwanators--know JoJo's personality is as colorful as her bows. Learn all about how JoJo danced, laughed, and sparkled her way to fame and her own business empire"--Provided by publisher.
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