

My name is Tani--and I believe in miracles

the amazing true story of one boy's journey from refugee to chess champion
Shares the story of an eight-year-old Nigerian immigrant whose family had to flee to the United States after being threatened by terrorists, and in one year became a chess champion.

My name is Tani ... and I believe in miracles

the amazing true story of one boy's journey from refugee to chess champion
Presents an autobiography of young Nigerian-American chess player, Tani Adewumi. Adewumi discusses his early life in Nigeria, his move to the United States, and his family's struggles to find their way in their new home. Explores how chess has helped Adewumi and in turn helped his family find their place in New York.

Tani's new home

a refugee finds hope & kindness in America
"The . . . true story of Tani Adewumi, a Nigerian refugee who garnered international news coverage after winning the New York State Chess Championship at the age of eight. Tani's story of finding a new life in America reminds children that perseverance and hope make a difference--and small acts of kindness can make the world a better place"--Provided by publisher.

My name is Tani -- and I believe in miracles

"Tani Adewumi's powerful story of finding a new life in America will inspire young readers"--.
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