sex (biology)

Topical Term
sex (biology)

Journey into life

human reproduction
Presents camera footage following the creation of a human life from conception to birth, showing the inside of the reproductive organs, the journey of the ovum to the uterus, sperm passing the cervix, cell differentiation, and the growth of the embryo into a fetus, and includes computer animation of the transmission of genetic material to the child.

Sex is a funny word

a book about bodies, feelings, and you
Text and illustrations look at the human body, gender, and sexuality for children.

Gay, straight, and the reason why

the science of sexual orientation
Neuroscientist Simon LeVay presents evidence he believes supports a biological explanation for sexual orientation, contending one's sexual preference is determined by an interaction between genes, sex hormones, and the developing brain.

Gender gap

the biology of male-female differences
Explains the evolutionary aspects of gender differences, demonstrating how male-female differences in the behavior of humans compares to male-female differences in animals and discussing how those observations can help researchers understand what it means to be male and female.

Adam's curse

a future without men
Explores the future of the Y chromosome and discusses how many years from now it may become extinct. Traces the natural history of the Y chromosome and examines the physical, genetic, psychological, and social differences between males and females.

Sex in nature

Discusses sex in the natural world, including mating behavior, variety in nature, and courtship rituals.

Genetic diversity

sexual reproduction
Explores the evolutionary advantages and risks of sexual vs. asexual reproduction, and offers scientific theories and evidence that attempt to explain why we reproduce sexually. Also, covers the effects on genetic diversity and the definition of sexual selection.

The Miracle of Life

Takes you on an incredible voyage through the human body as a new life begins.

Why Eve doesn't have an Adam's apple

a dictionary of sex differences
Identifies and explains over a hundred physiological differences between men and women, arranged alphabetically and including notes and references and an index.


Text and photographs discuss puberty, sexual intercourse, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and birth.


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