Designed to build critical thinking and cooperative learning skills. Students explore ten important incidents in the lives of five historically significant Americans.
At the annual celebration of Las Posadas in old Santa Fe, the wife and husband slated to play Mary and Joseph are delayed by car trouble, but a mysterious couple appears that seems perfect for the part.
A brief biography of the famous Nez Perc? leader who led his people against the United States Army and lost, but won the respect of his own people as well as white generals by standing up for his beliefs.
the stories of Jacob, young Joseph, Joseph in Egypt, Joseph the provider
Mann, Thomas
Presents a translation of Thomas Mann's novel that retells the biblical story of Joseph, chronicling his life as a slave, rise as lord of Egypt, death, and funeral.
An illustrated version of the Bible story adapted especially for beginning readers, telling about Joseph, a boy who is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers after receiving a beautiful coat from his father.