Bova, Ben

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The off-Earth colony of Moonbase, thriving for seven years due to the leadership of Doug Stavenger and the wonders of nanotechnology, must find a way to survive after the U.N. secretary-general Georges Faure insists the colony adhere to the world-wide ban on nanotech operations, research, and teaching.

Man changes the weather

Discusses the harmful and beneficial ways, intentional and unintentional, in which man has changed weather and climate throughout history, including a discussion of the effect of air pollution.

Science fiction hall of fame

Orion among the stars

Designed by the Creators to defend the gods in battles of the past, present, and future, Orion falls in love with the goddess Anya, who is at war with one of the Creators.


a novel about people and politics in the year 1999

Exiled from earth

The 21st century world government just barely managed to maintain control of the 20 billion people on Earth, the food and water shortages and the barbaric, decaying cities.

Flight of exiles

The 20,000 scientists aboard the star ship, all exiles from the planet Earth, were approaching their destination after fifty years of flight. And then the problem arose; their intended new home tested out to be ill suited for human life.


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