Freeman, Don

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Norman the Doorman

Norman the Doorman

The turtle and the dove

A beautiful white dove, blown out to sea in the storm, finds safety on a turtle's back.

The guard mouse

Clyde, a guard at Buckingham Palace, whose job is to keep wee animals from straying on to the royal grounds, gives his visiting cousins a tour of London.

Cyrano the crow

Corduroy's Valentine's day

It's almost February 14th, so Corduroy and his friends decide to celebrate Valentine's Day by making their own beautiful cards. Then Corduroy walks to the mailbox and sends his letters. When he gets home, he finds a wonderful surprise--special valentines just for him! This brightly colored, shaped board book is perfect for the youngest fans of Corduroy, one of the best-loved characters in children's books for nearly 40 years.


A teddy bear spends his days waiting in a store for someone to buy him.


Dandelion overdresses for a come-as-you-are party and is turned away because the hostess does not recognize him.
Cover image of Dandelion


A toy bear in a department store wants a number of things, but when a little girl finally buys him he finds what he has always wanted most of all.

Ski pup

A young Saint Bernard, learning to watch over children in a skiing school in the Swiss Alps, becomes a hero.


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