Guidebooks to the unexplained

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Provides a history of witches past and present. Also discusses their appearance in popular culture. Includes photographs, a glossary, and online resources.

Men in black

Provides information on the characteristics and work of Men in Black (MIB) who attempt to silence those who witness aliens or the paranormal. Includes photographs, a glossary, and online resources.

Lost lands

Provides information on mythical lost civilizations such as Atlantis, El Dorado, and Brigadoon. Includes photographs, a glossary, and online resources.


Elucidates information about real and alleged ghost sightings in various regions of the United States, including the West Wing of the White House and the Gettysburg battlefield. Relays information about those who interact with ghosts, such as psychic mediums and ghost hunters. Includes photographs, a glossary, an index, and resources for further reading.


Simple text, illustrations, and photographs briefly introduce learning readers to the concept of cryptids--creatures whose existence can neither be proven nor disproved--and showcases some of the more well-known examples of cryptids, like Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster. Includes a glossary.

Area 51

Elucidates information about Area 51, where the United States government tested nuclear weapons and experimental aircraft and where conspiracy theorists claim there have been interactions with alien species and spacecraft. Includes photographs, a glossary, an index, and resources for further reading.


Focuses on ghosts and gives information related to their origins, theories, and place in popular culture.

Men in black

An exploration of the Men in Black, those that investigate alien encounters and unidentified flying objects, that provides information related to their origins, theories and place in popular culture.

Lost lands

Explores the legends of lost lands, providing information related to their origins, theories, and place in popular culture.

Area 51

An exploration of Area 51 and the alleged alien cover-up by the U.S. government.


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