literary criticism

literary criticism

The bright book of life

novels to read and reread
"In . . . [this] book devoted exclusively to narrative fiction, America's . . . literary critic and . . . Yale professor [Harold Bloom] writes trenchantly about . . . [forty-eight] masterworks spanning the Western tradition"--Provided by publisher.

Dragons, heroes, myths & magic

the medieval art of storytelling
"Presents fifty of the very first adventure stories, set out across seven sections, featuring Heroes and Heroines; Epic Battles; Magical Events and Miracles; Villains, Crime and Murder; Quests and Journeys; Animal stories; and Love Stories. Ranging from long and complex epics developed around historical figures including Charlemagne, King Arthur and Alexander the Great, to smaller, vibrant tales absorbing local characters on the periphery. Featuring both the stories and art behind Merlin, Christine de Pisan, Sir Gawain, Renard the Fox, Dante and Beatrice, the Odyssey, Saint Brendon and Tristan and Isolde, this book provides an intimate insight into the medieval mind. [The author} has used her profound knowledge of the British Library's illuminated manuscript collections to explore some of literature's . . . celebrated stories, together with the deep history of the books and chronicles in which they were first preserved. Presented alongside them in full color are some. . . examples of art to survive from the 8th to the 16th centuries: works of supreme beauty inspired by the stories"--OCLC.

Agatha Christie

first lady of crime
Agatha Christie was not only the most successful author of detective stories the world has ever known, she was also a mystery in herself, giving only the rarest interviews--declining absolutely to become any sort of public figure--and a mystery, too, in the manner in which she achieved her astonishing success. Crime novelist and critic H.R.F. Keating brings together a dozen noted writers from both sides of the Atlantic to throw light on the ever-intriguing Dame Agatha. Some essays analyse Christie's art itself; some explain the reasons for her success--not just the books, but also in film and theatre. Includes essays by Sophie Hannah, H.R.F. Keating, Elizabeth Walter, Julian Symons, Edmund Crispin, Michael Gilbert, Emma Lathen, Colin Watson, Celia Fremlin, Dorothy B. Hughes, J.C. Trewin, Philip Jenkinson, William Weaver, and Christianna Brand.

What is the story of Nancy Drew?

"When the very modern character of Nancy Drew first appeared in 1930, no one had a clue that she would remain a star for the next century! To this day, Nancy is still the main character in new TV shows, movies, and books. What makes her so interesting to so many generations of readers? Nancy can do it all! She's a daring teenage girl who solves mysteries, expertly drives her famous blue car, cooks like a gourmet chef, swims like a pro, and more! Since her first appearance, the prodigy detective has inspired young readers to believe that they can do it all, too"--Provided by publisher.

Letters to a writer of color

"These seventeen essays by . . . writers of color start a more inclusive conversation about storytelling and encourage readers and writers to re-evaluate the codes and conventions that have shaped their assumptions about how fiction should be written. Edited by Deepa Anappara, author of Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line, and Taymour Soomro, author of Other Names for Love, this anthology features writers from around the world, from a diversity of backgrounds and across genres, including: American Dirt critic Myriam Gurba, who describes the circle of Latina writers she has always worked within; . . . novelist Tahmima Anam, who writes about giving herself permission to be funny as an artist of color; and New York Times opinion columnist Mohammed Hanif, who recalls censorship he experienced at the hands of political authorities"--Provided by publisher.

The science of murder

the forensics of Agatha Christie
"Written by mortician and forensic expert Carla Valentine, The Science of Murder explores the real-life cases that inspired Agatha Christie and shows how the great mystery writer may have kept up to date with the latest developments in forensic science, from ballistics to blood-splatter analysis. Valentine examines the use of fingerprints, firearms, handwriting, impressions, and toxicology in Christie's novels, before finally revealing the role the dead body itself played in offering vital clues to dastardly crimes"--.

Mary Shelley

A Very Short Introduction
"Examines the distinctive voice and radical themes of Mary Shelley's writing, which broke conventions and stretched nineteenth century literary genres. It explores the context, background, and important ideas contained in Shelley's most famous novel. It also demonstrates the significance of her other writings. This [book] recounts how Shelly, who was named Mary Godwin at the time, began writing Frankenstein in 1816, a period wherein the idea of a woman dreaming up stories of raising the dead was far-fetched. It mentions Shelley's literary career that included several publications of books, short stories, and essays"--Provided by publisher.

Jane Austen

A Very Short Introduction
"[This book] combines critical introductions to each of Jane Austen's major novels with an exploration of the themes of Austen's writing. Austen wrote six of the best-loved novels in the English language, as well as a smaller corpus of works unpublished in her day. She pioneered new techniques for representing voices, minds, and hearts in narrative prose, and was a penetrating satirist of social tensions and trends. This [book] considers how Austen reveals the literary, social, and political tensions from which the novels emerge. It also analyzes how her writing continues to charm and impact readers"--OCLC.

James Joyce

A Very Short Introduction
"Highlights one of the most influential writers of the 20th century--James Joyce. He is best known for his complex style, reinvention of language, and depiction of contemporary Ireland. Yet at the time of writing his work faced intense criticism, and his modernist epic Ulysses was banned for over a decade in Britain and America for obscenity. This book explores Joyce's major works including Ulysses, Dubliners, and Finnegan's Wake. It considers the contemporary significance of Joyce's examination of sexuality and nationalism, and places Joyce's works in the context of his life as well as the historical moment in which they were written"--Provided by publisher.

In search of the Color purple

the story of an American masterpiece
"Tillet's cultural criticism blends literary history, biography, and memoir in an exploration of Alice Walker's National Book Award-winning novel that examines its influence against a backdrop of the civil rights encroachments of the early 1980s"--OCLC.


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