
Geographic Name

Presidential leadership

from Woodrow Wilson to Harry S. Truman
Explores the presidencies of Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Harry S. Truman via personal documents from people who knew them in their personal lives, offering insights to the private personalities of these four men and how who they were in private affected their public and political personas and the key decisions of their presidencies.

Means of ascent

The second volume of Robert A. Caro's biography of Lyndon Johnson, which chronicles his service in World War II and examines the controversy surrounding his win in the 1948 Texas Democratic senatorial primary by eighty-seven votes.

Courage in a dangerous world

the political writings of Eleanor Roosevelt
A collection of political writings by Eleanor Roosevelt, featuring over two hundred columns, articles, essays, and speeches; arranged chronologically in six subject categories including the New Deal, the United Nations and human rights, and the Cold War.

Presidents from Hoover through Truman, 1929-1953

debating the issues in pro and con primary documents
Primary documents and commentary help argue the pros and cons of a variety of key issues which shaped the presidencies of Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Harry Truman.

The McCarthy era

Discusses the era of Joseph McCarthy, a politician who was obsessed with finding communists within the U.S. and who persecuted thousands of Americans' careers and lives with his unfounded public accusations.

The McCarthy era

Collects nineteen essays that provide varying perspectives on Joseph McCarthy's obsession over Communism in the United States after World War II, providing historical background on the McCarthy era, and providing primary source documents and personal stories from Joseph McCarthy, Harry S. Truman, journalists, and Americans whose lives were affected by Red Scare accusations.
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