political activity

political activity


how to end the War of 1948
Examines the development of Israeli plans to destroy the Palestinian Authority and explains how those plans were executed between April 2002 and July 2002.
Cover image of Israel

Devil's bargain

Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the storming of the presidency
The elevation of Bannon to head Trump's flagging presidential campaign on August 17, 2016, seemed to signal the meltdown of the Republican Party. Bannon was a bomb-throwing pugilist despised by Democrats and Republicans alike. Green shows that, to understand Trump's extraordinary rise and Clinton's fall, you have to weave Trump's story together with Bannon's, or else it doesn't make sense.
Cover image of Devil's bargain


the Communist years
Examines Pablo Picasso's political commitments, his motivations to join the French Communist Party, and his contributions as an active member of the Party.

Jane Fonda's words of politics and passion

A collection of speeches and public statements by Jane Fonda that express her political beliefs and campaigns against war and militarism, women's rights, women's health, and the environment.


fighting world hunger and poverty
Provides an introduction to Bono, lead singer of the band U2, focusing on how he uses his celebrity to raise awareness and money to save African nations from hunger, disease, and poverty.

The woman who knew too much

Alice Stewart and the secrets of radiation
Chronicles the life and career of Dr. Alice Stewart, discussing how her research challenged international nuclear safety standards.

Abraham Lincoln

redeemer President
Offers an intellectual biography of Abraham Lincoln, exploring the role of ideas in Lincoln's life.

Will Rogers

a political life
A political biography of American cowboy, comedian, humorist, newspaper columnist, radio commentator, and actor Will Rogers, discussing his analyses of current events that reached millions of people, his visits to Washington D.C. to attend congressional sessions and testify at hearings, and his open access to the Oval Office and Senate cloakroom.
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