ethnic conflict

Topical Term
ethnic conflict

Culture wars

an encyclopedia of issues, viewpoints, andvoices
Contains entries that examine people, ideas, and events related to the so-called culture wars--the conflict of values and ideas in the United States, covering activists and advocates, the arts, education, holidays and observances, journalists, political and economic issues, religious figures, and other topics; arranged alphabetically from M to Z.

Balkan genocides

holocaust and ethnic cleansing in the twentieth century

Ethnic groups in Africa

Examines the various ethnic groups in Africa and the violent conflicts that have developed between them including the Rwandan genocide.

The gods and their machines

Trainee fighter pilot Chamus Aranson makes an emergency landing in enemy territory and his survival depends on Riadni, a tomboy who wants to become a soldier despite her nation's oppression of women, as Benyan, one of her countrymen, prepares to become a martyr dedicated to killing Chamus's grandfather.

The Rwandan genocide

Outlines the circumstances that led to the genocide in Rwanda, where nearly one million people of an ethnic minority were exterminated in one hundred days, and discusses international reactions and the aftermath.


Discusses various sides of controversial topics regarding the conflict in Darfur, examining the causes of the problem, the question of whether the Sudanese government is engaging in genocide, the role of China, and how peace might be brought to the region.

The Middle East

opposing viewpoints
Contains seventeen essays that present opposing viewpoints on issues that involve the Middle East, including why it is a conflict area, how Islam affects the area, what role the United States should play, and whether peace between Palestine and Israel is possible.

The devil came on horseback

bearing witness to the genocide in Darfur
Former U.S. Marine, Brian Steidle, presents eye-witness accounts to the genocide in Darfur as "Janjaweed" and Sudanese troops attacked Darfurian rebel groups and African civilians, destroyed villages, and indiscriminately murdered men, women, and children.


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