
Geographic Name

Con una estrella en la mano

Rub?n Dar?o,
"A Spanish-language translation of a novel in verse about the life and work of Ruben Dario, a Nicaraguan poet who started life as an abandoned child and grew to become the father of a new literary movement. Includes historical notes"--Provided by publisher.

With a star in my hand

Ruben Dario, poetry hero
A restless and romantic soul, Ruben traveled across Central and South America seeking adventure and connection. As he discovered new places and new loves, he wrote poems to express his wild storm of feelings. But the traditional forms felt too restrictive. He began to improvise his own poetic forms so he could capture the entire world in his words. Novel in verse.

American warrior

the true story of a legendary Ranger
The epic story of one of America's greatest soldiers, Ranger Hall of Fame member Gary O'Neal, who served his country for forty years. From his first tour in Vietnam at seventeen to fighting in both Gulf wars, O'Neal was nothing less than a super soldier.

Blood of brothers

life and war in Nicaragua
The story of the centuries old power struggle that erupted in 1979 with the overthrow of the Somozo dictatorship.

Dictators never die

a portrait of Nicaragua and the Somoza dynasty

Fire from the mountain

the making of a Sandinista
A current member of the Sandinista government recalls his personal experience as a guerrilla fighter.

The Nicaraguan Revolution

Presents conflicting viewpoints regarding the Nicaraguan revolution and the United States policy.
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