Contemporary issues

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should we legalize, decriminalize, or deregulate?
Contains twenty-nine essays in which the authors examine issues of drug policy in the U.S., providing an historical overview of attitudes toward drugs in America, and discussing the government's policy of prohibition, the issue of medical marijuana, the failure of the war on drugs, addiction, and other topics.

The media & morality

A collection of essays in which various authors explore the relationships between the media and their diverse audiences, sponsors, corporate owners, governments, and others, focusing on the moral and ethical consequences of media practices.

Issues in immigration

Discusses various issues regarding immigration, including assimilation, jobs, services, illegal immigration, and policy.

Should parents be licensed?

debating the issues
A collection of articles in which psychologists, public health officials, philosophers, anthropologists, and other experts examine the issues surrounding the debate over whether there should be any controls placed on the birthing and raising of children.

Punishment and the death penalty

the current debate
A collection of twenty essays by legal scholars, sociologists, and philosophers discussing the punishments for crime.

Forensic science at work

Provides information about forensic science and biology and discusses crime scenes and labs, illegal drugs, and different types of evidence. Includes tables, graphs, black-and-white photos, a glossary, and an index.

Issues in the environment

Examines the economic impact of environmental regulations on businesses and individuals through the environmental issues of endangered species, wilderness areas, and trash disposal.

Issues in the information age

Explores the controversies surrounding the impact of information technology on society such as possible censorship of the Internet, privacy concerns, and education issues.

Animal experimentation

the moral issues
Presents articles debating the use of animals in scientific research.

Issues in racism

Discusses various issues regarding racism, including racial profiling, police brutality, stereotyping, White privilege, and the need for dialogue.


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