kristallnacht, 1938

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kristallnacht, 1938

48 hours of Kristallnacht

night of destruction/dawn of the Holocaust : an oral history
Presents an oral history of the destruction, murder, and chaos of November 9 and 10, 1938, when Nazis and members of Hitler's "Brownshirts" destroyed Jewish businesses and homes as well as schools and synagogues, and either arrested or murdered thousands of Jews across Germany.

Kristallnacht 1938

On November 7, 1938, Herschel Grynszpan, a Jewish teenager, fatally shot a German diplomat in Paris. Within three days of this act, in Germany, synagogues burned, Jews were subjected to acts of violence and humiliation, and 30,000 Jewish men were sent to concentration camps.


prelude to destruction
Chronicles the events surrounding Kristallnacht, in which Nazi troops and Hitler Youth destroyed Jewish shops and neighborhoods across Germany, and examines how the rest of the world reacted to the act of terror and destruction.

Good-bye Marianne

Marianne Kohn, a Jewish girl living in Berlin in 1938, watches as the Nazi regime tears her family and community apart, until finally she is forced to leave her mother and her home and travel to safety in England.

Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass

igniting the Nazi War against Jews
Recounts the events surrounding the November 1938 attacks in which Nazi troops in Germany and Austria destroyed more than eight thousand Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues, beginning the Nazi's persecution of the Jews.


Nazi persecution of the Jews in Europe
Offers a comprehensive overview of the Nazi persecution of Jews in Europe and its lasting legacy, discussing the social and political factors that allowed Hitler to come to power and continue his persecution of the Jews.

Benno and the Night of Broken Glass

In 1938 Berlin, Germany, a cat sees Rosenstrasse change from a peaceful neighborhood of Jews and Gentiles to an unfriendly place where, one November night, men in brown shirts destroy Jewish-owned businesses and arrest or kill Jewish people. Includes facts about Kristallnacht and a list of related books and web resources.


prelude to destruction
Chronicles the events surrounding Kristallnacht, in which Nazi troops and Hitler Youth destroyed Jewish neighborhoods across Germany, and examines how the rest of the world reacted to the act of terror and destruction.


the Nazi terror that began the Holocaust
Discusses Kristallnacht, a four-day pogrom instigated by the Nazis against Germany's Jews, including stories from the victims, witnesses and perpetrators of the attack, and how it marked the beginning of the Holocaust.


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