Hobbes, Thomas

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A work of political philosophy addressing the idea that obedience to authority, especially in the form of a large bureaucracy such as the political state, is really just a natural response of human nature.
Cover image of Leviathan



or, The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill

Leviathan (Great Books in Philosophy)

Written in 1651, this is a political tract describinga compact between the ruled and a sovereign authoity that would protect the citizenry and secure peace.


A reprint of the author's work of political philosophy addressing the idea that obedience to authority, especially in the form of a large bureaucracy such as the political state, is really just a natural response of human nature.



authoritative text, backgrounds, interpretations
Contains the political treatise crafted by the famous political philosopher.

The elements of law, natural and politic

part I, Human nature, part II, De corpore politico ; with Three lives
Provides an exploration of human nature and a discussion of the factors that lead to warfare and strife. Includes textual notes and a bibliography.

The Elements of law

natural and politic
The general division of man's natural faculties -- the cause of sense -- of imagination and the kinds thereof -- of the several kinds of discursion of the mind -- of names, reasoning, and discourse of the tongue -- of a knowledge, opinion, and relief -- of delight and pain/good and eveil -- of the pleasurers of the senses/of honour -- of the passions of the mind -- of the difference between men in these discerning faculty and the cause. -- what imaginations and passions men have, at the names of things supernatural -- how by deliberation from passions proceed men's actions -- how by language men work upon each other's minds -- of the estate and right of nature -- of the divesting natural right by gift and covenant -- some of the laws of nature -- other laws of nature -- a confirmation of the same out of the word of God -- of the necessity and definition of a body politic -- of the requisites to the constitution of a commonwealth -- of the three sorts of commonwealth -- of the power of masters -- of the power of fathers, and of patrimonial kingdom -- the incommodities of several sorts of government compared -- that subjects are not bound to follow their private judgments in controversies of religion -- that subjects are not bound to follow the judgment of any authorities in controversies of religion which is not dependent on the sovereign power -- of the causes of rebellion -- of the duty of them that have sovereign power -- of the nature and kinds of laws.

On the citizen

Presents an English translation of the Latin text in which seventeenth-century English political philosopher Thomas Hobbes explores the philosophical elements of the true citizen, and includes a glossary of Latin terms, a chronology, a bibliography, and an expository introduction.


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