secondary education

Topical Term
secondary education

Real lives

eleven teenagers who don't go to school
Describes the accomplishments of eleven teenagers who are self-taught or home schooled and presents a case for home schooling.

High schools in crisis

what every parent should know
Examines the learning environment and process in America's high schools and presents practical techniques and strategies for upgrading administrative policies and values that will make schools a safer and more productive educational experience.

Make a world of difference

50 asset-building activities to help teens explore diversity

The good high school

portraits of character and culture
Provides in-depth portraits of six exemplary American high schools, revealing many different elements that create a climate of excellence while describing high school life today.

High schools on a human scale

how small schools can transform American education

Horace's hope

what works for the American high school
The author, using the persona of fictional high school teacher Horace Smith, offers meditations on what has been learned from serious efforts at school reform in the late twentieth century.

The middle school years

achieving the best education for your child, grades 5-8
A parent's guide to helping children succeed in middle school, covering organization skills, good habits, homework strategies, public and private schools, learning disabilities, student-teacher conflicts, standardized testing, tracking, and extracurricular activities.

Fires in the bathroom

advice for teachers from high school students
Draws from interviews with forty teenagers in New York City, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Providence, Rhode Island, to show what high school students, including ESL learners, need from their teachers; discusses familiarity, respect, trust, motivation, high expectations, discipline, and other related topics.

Raising the grade

how secondary school reform can save our youth and the nation
Discusses the neglect within U.S. secondary education systems and the need for reform amongst high schools to increase literacy and technological requirements and decrease dropout rates while better preparing teenagers for work and college.

High school confidential

secrets of an undercover student
Jeremy Iversen reveals what he learned about American high school students while posing as a senior transfer student at Mirador High in Southern California.


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