cooper, james fenimore

cooper, james fenimore

James Fenimore Cooper, a collection of critical essays

Critical essays examine his sea fiction, the Littlepage trilogy, social essays, and each of the Leatherstocking novels.
Cover image of James Fenimore Cooper, a collection of critical essays

James Fenimore Cooper

the early years
Presents a comprehensive biography of early nineteenth-century American author James Fenimore Cooper from his boyhood years to 1826 when he and his family left to live in Europe.

The last of the Mohicans

civil savagery and savage civility
Presents a critical interpretation of James Fenimore Cooper's frontier novel, "The Last of the Mohicans," detailing the biographical, historical, and literary elements that shape the work, and addressing issues of style, genre, race, gender, and factual accuracy.

The portable Mark Twain

A collection of notable excerpts from Twain's published writings. Also includes a selection of his letters.
Cover image of The portable Mark Twain

William Cooper's town

power and persuasion on the frontier of the early American republic
Details the story of a frontier village in the early American Republic, and the lives of Judge William Cooper and the novelist James Fenimore Cooper--father and son, through the development of Cooperstown and Templeton.

The Last of the Mohicans

The second and the most famous of Cooper's five Leatherstocking tales, The Last of the Mohicans, is set in 1757 during the French and Indian wars and follows the scout Hawkeye and his Indian companion, Chingachgook, through the wilderness of upstate New York as they try to save the daughters of a fort commander from the Huron Indians.

Student companion to James Fenimore Cooper

Offers students a comprehensive overview of the writings of James Fenimore Cooper, discussing his breakthrough novels that reflect the challenges and triumphs of American history and critical response to his work.


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