Savory, Erin

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Carl makes a plan

"Carl is Deaf. He cannot hear, but there are many things that Carl can do. So when his friend is about to have a birthday, Carl plans the entire party!"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Carl makes a plan

How to be friends with this merman

Meet Milo the merman--he wants to be friends! Let's take a look with Milo at some valuable friendship skills surrounding processing emotions of disappointment and the need for quiet time.

How to be friends with this gnome

Meet Mimi the gnome. She wants to be friends. How can you be a good friend to Mimi? Learn valuable friendship skills surrounding respecting a friend's needs and limitations.

How to be friends with this unicorn

A dragon meets Luma the unicorn and they become friends. Learn valuable friendship skills surrounding illness and being friends from far away.

How to be friends with this werewolf

A young fairy becomes friends with Wanda the Werewolf.
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