Managing OCD / Blohm, Craig E.

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Managing OCD

This book explores the obsessions and compulsions disorder (OCD), that can produce extreme anxiety and, if untreated, can make it difficult to live a normal life. It explains what this condition is, who it affects, how and why it develops, how it can be managed or overcome, and how it affects people's lives.

Managing OCD

OCD is a mental illness that affects about one in forty adults and one in one hundred children in the United States. The disorder exhibits two major aspects which give it its name: obsessions, which are recurring unwanted thoughts, urges, or mental images that cause a person anxiety and distress; and compulsions, repetitive behaviors that a person feels compelled to perform. OCD sufferers experience obsessions, compulsions, or both at the same time, and may often suffer from other conditions, such as a state of severe depression.
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