After running away from their troubled homes, two English teenagers move in with a group of squatters in the port city of Bristol and try to find ways to support their growing addiction to heroin.
When Peter and his sister discover a giant extraterrestrial hidden beneath the earth, they become friends and conspirators despite the tremendous risks involved.
There is a new drug on the mean streets of Manchester which promises the most intense week of your life, and then you are dead--and after he watches a pop star die on stage, Adam thinks that his own life is so miserable that he might just as well try it.
Tam travels back in time to his small English town at the time of World War II, where his friendship helps a traumatized girl living on a farm just outside the town.
Although the landowner for whom his father works as a gamekeeper hates all birds of prey, Taylor and his friend raise an endangered red kite in secret.
After running away from their troubled homes, two English teenagers move in with a group of squatters in the port city of Bristol and try to find ways to support their growing addiction to heroin.
In Manchester, England, when a seventeen-year-old girl who hasn't been acting like herself lately is turned into the very creature she has personified, she isn't sure that the change is all bad.
Two ruthless gangs of warlords fight over the bombed-out remains of the city of London, until a truce is suggested by the patriarch of the Volson clan, who offers his fourteen-year-old daughter's hand to his blood rival.