education and globalization

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education and globalization

Flattening classrooms, engaging minds

move to global collaboration one step at a time
A guide to the Flat Classroom project that focuses on global collaboration of students online.

Creating life-long learners

using project-based management to teach 21st century skills
"This book provides a teacher-friendly, step-by-step approach to implementing PBL, showing readers how to: use project and classroom management skills to create a positive, productive learning environment. Develop curriculum around ten different project types. Link projectswith today's standards and teach students how to effectively collaborate and bring out the best in each other."--Provided by publisher.

Raising global IQ

preparing our students for a shrinking planet
"Carl Hobert calls on K-12 teachers, administrators, parents, and students alike to transform the educational system by giving students the tools they need to become responsible citizens in a shrinking, increasingly interdependent world."--Provided by publisher.

The new global student

skip the SAT, save thousands on tuition, and get a truly international education
Explains how students can receive a relevant global education through exchange programs, sabbaticals, and travel, which can better prepare people for the real world, save them thousands of dollars, and give them a better education than what they could find at a traditional American university.

Catching up, or, Leading the way

American education in the age of globalization
Analyzes how American schools in the twenty-first century are preparing students for life in a global society and encourages teachers to create a curriculum the emphasizes the knowledge and skills students will need as globalization continues to spread.

Do schools prepare students for a global economy?

"Do Schools Prepare Students for a Global Economy?: Books in this anthology series focus a wide range of viewpoints onto a single controversial issue, providing in-depth discussions by leading advocates, a quick grounding in the issues, and a challenge to critical thinking skills"--.

A world-class education

learning from international models of excellence and innovation
Discusses what the best school systems in the world are doing right to help identify how U.S. schools could make changes to become better, and examines common factors of high-performing systems, ways to modernize curriculum, instruction, and assessment, and how technology and international exchange can help United States schools reach new levels of excellence.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and the school library

inquiry-based education
Examines the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and school libraries, covering what the IBDP is, a profile of the learner, how school libraries fit into the program, and more.

The one world schoolhouse

education reimagined
"The founder of the Khan Academy, the world's most popular free online learning site, tells the story of his school's astonishing success, and shares his revolutionary vision for the future of education"--Provided by the publisher.
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