Brown, Stewart

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The student athlete's guide to getting recruited

how to win scholarships, attract colleges and excel as an athlete
A guide for high school athletes who want to become college athletes. Covers getting recruited, winning athletic scholarships, selecting the right college, and complying with the complex NCAA rules.

The student athlete's guide to getting recruited

how to win scholarships, attract colleges and excel as an athlete
"A resource for high school student athletes on how to win athletic scholarships, get recruited by colleges, and excel as college athletes. Includes tips for student athletes on how to communicate with college coaches and market themselves, navigate the NCAA rules, and select the right college"--Provided by publisher.

The student athlete's guide to getting recruited

how to win scholarships, attract colleges and excel as an athlete
A guide for high school athletes who want to become college athletes. Covers getting recruited, winning athletic scholarships, selecting the right college, and complying with the complex NCAA rules.

The Oxford book of Caribbean short stories

A collection of fifty-two short stories by authors from the Caribbean area.

The student athlete's guide to getting recruited

how to win scholarships, attract colleges and excel as an athlete
Offers tips to high school athletes who want to play college sports, including what to expect during the recruiting process, insight into what coaches are seeking, being fit and healthy, and making the transition to college.
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