organizational change

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organizational change

Be a revolution

how everyday people are fighting oppression and changing the world--and how you can, too
From [Oluo] comes an eye-opening and galvanizing look at the current state of anti-racist activism across America.

Leaders eat last

why some teams pull together and others don't
" The highly anticipated follow-up to the acclaimed bestseller Start With Why Simon Sinek's mission is to help people wake up every day inspired to go to work and return home every night fulfilled by their work. His first book, Start With Why, offered the essential starting point, explaining the power of focusing on WHY we do what we do, before getting into the details of WHAT and HOW. Start With Why became an instant classic, with a loyal following among Fortune 500 companies, entrepreneurs, nonprofits, governments, and the highest levels of the U.S. Military. Now Sinek is back to reveal the next step in creating happier and healthier organizations. He helps us understand, in simple terms, the biology of trust and cooperation and why they're essential to our success and fulfillment. Organizations that create environments in which trust and cooperation thrive vastly out perform their competition. And, not coincidentally, their employees love working there. But "truly human" cultures don't just happen; they are intentionally created by great leaders. Leaders who, in hard times, would sooner sacrifice their numbers to protect their people, rather than sacrifice people to protect their numbers, are rewarded with deeply loyal teams that consistently contribute their best efforts, ideas and passion. As he did in Start With Why, Sinek illustrates his points with fascinating true stories from many fields. He implores us to act sooner rather than later, because our stressful jobs are literally killing us. And he offers surprisingly simple steps for building a truly human organization"--.

Police in America

inspecting the power of the badge
A collection of articles selected from the New York Times that examines the role of the police in the United States, focusing on issues of racial profiling, police misconduct, and brutality.

The great lockdown

lessons learned during the pandemic from organizations around the world
"Different countries and industries are feeling different degrees of impact from COVID-19. . . . Seen through the eyes of CEOs of billion-dollar corporations from across the world, this book chronicles the experience of various industries going into 'the great lockdown' and navigating the crisis through initiatives impacting people, processes, and technology. It will highlight the 'hits' and the 'misses' and give leaders a strong sense of what to do within their own organizations should this happen again"--Provided by publisher.

Paradigms and promises

new approaches to educational administration

Be fearless

5 principles for a life of breakthroughs and purpose
"[The author] set out to investigate the core qualities of great change makers, past and present, from inventors to revolutionaries, she found five surprising traits all had in common. They weren't wealth, privilege, or even genius. It was that all of these . . . men and women chose to make a 'big bet,' take bold risks, learn from their failures, reach beyond their bubbles, and let urgency conquer fear. Teaches how to put the five principles to work"--OCLC.

The power of positive leadership

how and why positive leaders transform teams and organizations and change the world
Offers advice for business leaders on how to use positivity to motivate employees.
Cover image of The power of positive leadership

Change leader

learning to do what matters most
Michael Fullan outlines six core practices of leadership--earn trust, fine-tune focus, develop others, know your impact, embrace complexity,and hope no matter what--which differentiate a powerful leader from one who is merely competent; and argues that powerful leaders have built bedrocks of credibility, learned how to identify the few things that matter most, and know how to leverage their skills in ways that benefit their entire organization.
Cover image of Change leader

The challenge of library management

leading with emotional engagement
A guide for library management to guide staff members through changes while remaining empathetic, discussing the importance of encouraged active participation, describing ways to navigate common types of changes--space planning, department reorganization, and changes in individual responsibility--and providing short narratives with real-life examples.
Cover image of The challenge of library management

The practice of adaptive leadership

tools and tactics for changing your organization and the world
Combines stories, diagrams, techniques, and activities designed to help people lead through change, covering how to assess a situation and oneself and address tough challenges.
Cover image of The practice of adaptive leadership


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