"Thirteen-year-old Mina Tagawa and her Japanese-American family are forced to evacuate their Seattle home and are relocated to an internment camp in Idaho, where they live for three years"--Provided by publisher.
Augie Schuler has always been desparate for the kind of love normal families provide, and when she meets Sunny Yamagata and her family, Augie thinks she has finally found what she has been looking for, and together the two girls pursue the fanciful dreams of youth.
Children's author, Yoshiko Uchido, describes growing up in Berkeley, California, as a Nisei, second generation Japanese American, and her family's internment in a Nevada concentration camp during World War II.
Thirteen-year-old Piper Davis records in her diary her experiences beginning in December 1941, when her brother joins the Navy and the United States goes to war, and as she attempts to document her life through photography, her father--the pastor for a Japanese Baptist Church in Seattle--follows his congregants to an Idaho internment camp, taking her along with him. Includes historical notes.