Odysseys in the environment

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The threat of overpopulation

"An examination of the environmental threats an unsustainable human population presents, exploring the effects of pollution and overcrowding, as well as how people can contribute to a healthier planet"--OCLC.
Cover image of The threat of overpopulation

The energy dilemma

"An examination of the resources humans use to create energy, exploring fossil fuels' impacts on the environment and discussing cleaner, more sustainable options that may contribute to a healthier planet"--OCLC.

Wildlife in danger

"[A] study of wildlife, examining the causes and effects of the ongoing extinction crisis, as well as what people can do to protect, preserve, and propagate species that contribute to Earth's valuable biodiversity"--Provided by publisher.

Water for life

"[A] study of water, examining the causes and effects of the decreasing availability and pollution of fresh water, as well as what people can do to reduce consumption and protect water resources"--Provided by publisher.

The war on waste

"An examination of the various types of waste produced by people, exploring how much of it exists and where it goes, as well as how waste can be remade into useful items to contribute to a healthier planet"--OCLC.

The threat of overpopulation

"An examination of the environmental threats an unsustainable human population presents, exploring the effects of pollution and overcrowding, as well as how people can contribute to a healthier planet"--OCLC.

Climate change

"[A] study of climate change, examining historical and present-day causes and effects of rising global temperatures, as well as what people can do to combat climate change"--OCLC.
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