Nickell, Joe

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Looking for a miracle

weeping icons, relics, stigmata, visions & healing cures
Examines the evidence relating to specific claims of miracles that have become the center of controversy between believers and skeptics; including pictures such as the Shroud of Turin and the Image of Guadalupe; weeping and bleeding icons; and mystical relics, powers, healings, and visions.

Crime science

methods of forensic detection
Explains some of the techniques of forensic science used in criminal investigations, including fingerprinting, DNA testing, impression analysis, pathology, and others; and includes case studies that show how the methods have been used in practice.

The UFO invasion

the Roswell incident, alien abductions, and government coverups

The mystery chronicles

more real-life X-files
Contains a collection of over forty real-life experiences of the paranormal including haunted houses, crop circles, alien abductions, and a fabled monster in a Louisiana swamp.

The magic detectives

join them in solving strange mysteries!
Tries to explain logically some events that seem to have only a supernatural explanation.

Real-life X-files

investigating the paranormal
Examines the cases of more than forty paranormal mysteries by attempting to physically duplicate the unexplainable activities and finding a logical explanation behind them.

Tracking the man-beasts

Sasquatch, vampires, zombies, and more
Paranomal investigator Joe Nickell attempts to separate fact from fantasy in regard to so-called man-beasts--monsters said to be more or less human in appearance, including werewolves, vampires, aliens, and others.
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