application software

Topical Term
application software

Benji Franklin

kid zillionaire
Rewritten for a new audience, this compilation of two separately published works tells the story of Benji Franklin, a twelve-year-old genius who becomes an overnight zillionaire after writing a computer application that generates excuses--and soon discovers that a lot of people want him to solve their problems.

Always on

how the iPhone unlocked the anything - anytime - anywhere future--and locked us in
Examines the technological innovations offered by the iPhone, describing its "all-in-one" capabilities and its impact on daily life and society, and discussing the future implications for twenty-first-century society.

Apps for learning

40 best iPad/iPod Touch/iPhone apps for high school classrooms

Going live

launching your digital business
An overview is given of how to design, develop, and launch digital products, including mobile apps, games, websites, and blogs. Understanding the steps needed to create the product, as well as the tools and techniques used during production, will help readers move forward with confidence.

Apps for learning

40 best iPad, iPod touch, iPhone apps for high school classrooms
Provides detailed descriptions of forty apps that can be used in high school classrooms.


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