A guide to taking the Advanced Placement exam in physics 1, featuring full-length practice tests, detailed answer explanations, review topics, tips, and more.
A study guide for the Advanced Placement exam in psychology that includes a diagnostic test, full-length practice tests with explained answers, topic reviews, and test-taking tips.
Presents a study plan for the AP statistics examination, discussing study skills and strategies and providing a review of the core concepts and 3 practice exams with answers and explanations.
A study guide for the Advanced Placement computer science A test that includes topic overviews, six full-length practice tests, detailed answer explanations, a diagnostic test to identify strengths and weaknesses, and test-taking tips.
Kaplan's ASVAB Prep 2022-2023 features proven strategies and realistic practice for all sections of the ASVAB and AFQT. Comprehensive subject review, expert tips, and detailed explanations will help you face the test with confidence.
A two-volume set designed to help students prepare for exams in the field of chemistry, with actual Regents Exams featuring hundreds of questions, detailed answer explanations, and topic overviews.