portraits, american

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portraits, american

The painter and the president

Gilbert Stuart's brush with George Washington
"George Washington hated having his portrait painted, but as president of the United States, he knew his image needed to live on. This nonfiction picture book explores how artist Gilbert Stuart created Washington's most lasting and recognized portrait--the one that's used on the one-dollar bill"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The painter and the president

Folk art's many faces

portraits in the New York State Historical Association

Dictionary of American portraits

4045 pictures of important Americans from earliest times to the beginning of the twentieth century
Collection of over 4,000 photographs of noted Americans including Robert E. Lee, Thomas A. Edison, and Thomas Jefferson.

American characters

selections from the National Portrait Gallery, accompanied by literary portraits
Provides visual and verbal portraits of 160 famous American figures who have had a large impact on American culture.

The face of liberty

founders of the United States

A gallery of presidents

Portraits of the presidents through Ronald Reagan are accompanied by brief comments about their character and their terms in office.

Faces of discord

the Civil War era, at the National Portrait Gallery
Presents a collection of photographs, illustrations, paintings, sculptures, and drawings of people and events of the Civil War including military leaders such as Grant and Lee, Abraham Lincoln, personal artifacts, and historical memorabilia.

Portraits from The Americans

the democratic experience : an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery based on Daniel J. Boorstin's Pulitzer Prize winning book


difference and desire in American portraiture
Examines drawings, illustrations, and portraits from American artists that relate same-sex desires throughout the twentieth century and discusses the artistic practices of Georgia O'Keeffe, Thomas Eakins, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Andy Warhol, Cass Bird, and others.
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