Wilson, Daniel H

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How to build a robot army

tips on defending planet Earth against alien invaders, ninjas, and zombies
Describes how to assemble and deploy a robot army to fight evil beings, such as zombies, vampires, and werewolves.

Where's my jetpack?

a guide to the amazing science fiction future that never arrived
Offers a humorous look at the twentieth-century future that past generations imagined, revealing the technology, prototypes, and plans for futuristic technologies that were supposed to be available by now and why they never came to pass.


a novel
In a near-future world where technologically enhanced humans are governed by a strict set of conduct laws, twenty-nine-year-old Owen Gray joins the ranks of a persecuted underclass that is planning to change, or destroy, the world.

A boy and his bot

When timid young Code falls down a hole into Mekhos, where everything is made of metal and circuitry, he must obtain the legendary Robonomicon from evil Immortalis in order to save the robots of this subterranean world and return home.


a novel
Archos, a powerful artificial intelligence, takes on the persona of a shy human boy and begins to take over the world's technology and turn it against humanity, launching a robot war that no one seems to be able to contain or stop.

How to survive a robot uprising

tips on defending yourself against the coming rebellion
Offers humorous advice to readers on how to protect themselves from rebellious robots, and how to fight the mechanical enemies, and includes facts about modern robotics and the possible future of the field.


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