Davis Ashura

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William Wilde and the Stolen Life

The Chronicles of William Wilde
Having survived the monster, Kohl Obsidian, Wiliam Wilde had hoped his life would settle down; that he'd finish his senior year of high school with no further adventures. But life isn't so simple for a potential magus, especially one who's overcome as deadly an enemy as Kohl. Instead, William has unwittingly earned the raptor gaze of even greater foes. One is someone he thought he could implicitly trust while others are even more dangerous. And all are from the island of Sinskrill. They are mahavans, powerful magic-users bent on humanity's enslavement. They seek to capture William and chain him to their needs, to bind him in perpetual servitude upon Sinskrill. William finds himself caught amongst people for whom deceit and pain are simple coins to be traded, and his best hope to survive these new challenges might lie with someone he'd always thought to be his mortal enemy.

William Wilde and the Unusual Suspects

The Chronicles of William Wilde
William survived Sinskrill, but he's unable and unwilling to forget what he suffered there. Some hardships endure. And despite his wonderful, new life on the lush paradise of Arylyn, nightmares continue to haunt him. But closure will only come if he finds a means to reconcile himself to that terrible chapter of his life. Only then can he save the loved ones who remain on Sinskrill: the wise troll, Travail, and William's teacher and one-time tormentor, Fiona. Both remain trapped under the boot-heel of the Servitor, Sinskrill's terrifying ruler. William has promised to return and free them, and while he's gained powerful allies, such as Rukh and Jessira, to aid in his quest, saving Travail and Fiona will only happen when he masters his own magic and summons his own courage. But will courage alone be enough against the Servitor's terrible power?.

William Wilde and the Necrosed

The Chronicles of William Wilde
On a cold winter's night, just shy of his seventeenth birthday, William Wilde became an orphan. It was a simple car accident that claimed the lives of his family. Eight months later, at the start of his senior year of high school, a beautiful, mysterious girl enters William's life. Captivating and confident, she holds secrets about William's heritage, secrets of which he himself is unaware: rare magic flows in William's veins. And watching William from afar is Kohl Obsidian, a monstrous, undead horror. He won't rest until the tragedy he started eight months ago culminates with William's death. William's life hangs in the balance, and he must discover a means to vanquish a creature that has never been defeated.
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