Scholastic reader. Level 2, Pok?mon the series sun & moon

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Play ball, Pikachu!

The students from Pok?mon School can't wait to play Pok?mon Base with the famous sports star Oluolu and his partner, Snorlax, but when Team Rocket tries to get in on the game, the play turns foul.

Welcome to Alola!

When Ash and Pikachu arrive in the brand-new region of Alola, they meet and catch some amazing new Pok?mon.

The great pancake race

Ash and Pikachu want to win the Pok?mon Pancake Race. Can they beat last year's champ, Alolan Raichu? The leader of the pack wins a big stack--free pancakes for a year!.

Go, Popplio!

Ash and his friends are on a fishing trip. But--uh-oh--Team Rocket wants to steal their Pok?mon It's up to Popplio to save the Pok?mon--and the day!.
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