Big jobs, big tools!

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Towering cranes

Briefly explores how cranes are constructed, how they are so strong and able to lift heavy objects and the kinds of construction projects they are used on. Includes pictures and a glossary.

Incredible submarines

Explores various types of submarines and the work that they do. Includes color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.

Huge earthmovers

Explores the work that earthmovers and other types of equipment do on construction sites. Includes color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.

Gigantic drilling rigs

Explores the parts and functions of large drilling rigs. Includes color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.

Giant jumbo jets

Explores the features of jumbo jets and how they work. Includes color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.

Awesome aircraft carriers

Explores the parts, features, and functions of aircraft carriers. Includes color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.

Incredible submarines

Have you ever seen a submarine? They are boats that can dive deep underwater and stay there for an extended period of time-sometimes as long as six months. Readers of this engaging text will learn just how this is possible. They will discover the different parts of a submarine, from the periscope at the top-used to look out at the surroundings above the water-to the engine room, which powers propellers that allow the submarine to glide through water. Color photographs show different submarines in all their glory.

Gigantic drilling rigs

Modern society runs on fuel-and drilling rigs are needed to dig massive holes for fuels such as oil and natural gas. Some drilling rigs float on water. Others are fixed in place. Some can even drill from a boat. Through informative text and full-color photographs, readers will learn the ins and outs of what makes a drilling rig work. They will learn about the individual parts of a drilling rig and where waste from drilling goes. But, most importantly, they will learn one thing all drilling rigs have in common-they're all huge!.
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