covid-19 pandemic

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covid-19 pandemic


one city, seven people, and the year everything changed
Examines the physical, economic, social, and emotional effects of the COVID-19 pandemic over the course of 2020 on seven New Yorkers of different ages, races, backgrounds, economic statuses, and politics. Explores how these ordinary people coped with the virus against a backdrop of the presidential election, misinformation, distrust, and civil protests.

The big fail

what the pandemic revealed about who America protects and who it leaves behind
"In 2020, the novel coronavirus pandemic made it painfully clear that the U.S. could not adequately protect its citizens. Millions of Americans suffered-and over a million died--in less than two years, while government officials blundered; prize-winning economists overlooked devastating trade-offs; and elites escaped to isolated retreats, unaffected by and even profiting from the pandemic. Why and how did America, in a catastrophically enormous failure, become the world leader in COVID deaths? . . . Veteran journalists Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera offer fresh and provocative answers . . . [T]hey investigate both what really happened when governments ran out of PPE due to snarled supply chains and the shock to the financial system when the world's biggest economy stumbled. They zero in on the effectiveness of wildly polarized approaches, with governors Andrew Cuomo of New York and Ron DeSantis of Florida taking infamous turns in the spotlight. And they trace why thousands died in hollowed-out hospital systems and nursing homes run by private equity firms to 'maximize shareholder value'"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The big fail

Kindred spirits

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"A nonfiction picture book about the inspiring true pay-it-forward story that bridges two continents, 175 years, and two events in history--connecting Ireland, Choctaw Nation, Navajo Nation, and the Hopi Tribe"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Kindred spirits

Lalo Lesp?rance never forgot

"Lalo Lesperance lives with his older brother and Mexican American mother in a low-income apartment building in Fort Myers. They moved there from a subdivision after the family lost Lalo's Haitian American father. At school, Lalo is known as the boy who can't remember anything and needs special help in all his classes. But when the first COVID lockdown hits, he finds himself in a friendship of convenience with Vivi, a Mexican American kid his age who gets perfect grades and who never gave him a second thought when they were in school. Vivi's abuela watches the kids while their mothers work long shifts as nurses at a clinic slammed by COVID. As Lalo navigates his much smaller pandemic world, he discovers his apartment building has its own mysteries, like a sinister stranger in an old RV and a storage closet full of junk, including an old radio that just might hold the key to remembering why Lalo's family moved to the apartment and what happened to his father"--Provided by publisher.

Rising class

how three first-generation college students conquered their first year
"This eye-opening YA narrative nonfiction follows three first-generation college students as they navigate their first year--and ultimately a global pandemic"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Rising class
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