Colorful Minds: tips for managing your emotion

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The pink book

what to do when you're confused
Emotions are like a rainbow--there is a color for every one we feel. And when the confused feeling starts to take over the rainbow, it's time for The Pink Book! Simple activities, tips, and tricks help young readers whose confused pink shines brightest in the rainbows of their colorful minds. They can turn the pages from front to back or back to front. They can use every single page or open the book to just one random page. Soon, the other colors of their emotions rainbow will shine with this mindfulness book that supports readers exploring their emotions!.

The orange book

what to do when you're confident
Emotions are like a rainbow--there is a color for every one we feel. And when the confident feeling starts to take over the rainbow, it's time for The Orange Book! Simple activities, tips, and tricks help young readers make confident orange shine brightest in the rainbows of their colorful minds. They can turn the pages from front to back or back to front. They can use every single page or open the book to just one random page. Soon, the other colors of their emotions rainbow will shine with this mindfulness book that supports readers exploring their emotions!.

The green book

what to do when you're jealous
Emotions are like a rainbow--there is a color for every one we feel. And when the jealous feeling starts to take over the rainbow, it's time for The Green Book! Simple activities, tips, and tricks help young readers whose jealous green shines brightest in the rainbows of their colorful minds. They can turn the pages from front to back or back to front. They can use every single page or open the book to just one random page. Soon, the other colors of their emotions rainbow will shine with this mindfulness book that supports readers exploring their emotions!.

The gold book

what to do when you're proud
Emotions are like a rainbow--there is a color for every one we feel. And when the proud feeling starts to take over the rainbow, it's time for The Gold Book! Simple activities, tips, and tricks help young readers shine proud gold brightest in the rainbows of their colorful minds. They can turn the pages from front to back or back to front. They can use every single page or open the book to just one random page. Soon, the other colors of their emotions rainbow will shine with this mindfulness book that supports readers exploring their emotions!.

The gray book

what to do when you're lonely
Emotions are like a rainbow--there is a color for every one we feel. And when the lonely feeling starts to take over the rainbow, it's time for The Gray Book! Simple activities, tips, and tricks help young readers whose lonely gray shines brightest in the rainbows of their colorful minds. They can turn the pages from front to back or back to front. They can use every single page or open the book to just one random page. Soon, the other colors of their emotions rainbow will shine with this mindfulness book that supports readers exploring their emotions!.

The white book

what to do when you're stressed
Emotions are like a rainbow--there is a color for every one we feel. And when the stressed feeling starts to take over the rainbow, it's time for The White Book! Simple activities, tips, and tricks help young readers whose stressed white shines brightest in the rainbows of their colorful minds. They can turn the pages from front to back or back to front. They can use every single page or open the book to just one random page. Soon, the other colors of their emotions rainbow will shine with this mindfulness book that supports readers exploring their emotions!.
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