

Star Wars

"The Mandalorian, a solitary bounty hunter, is sent to secure the Child at the request of a ruthless Imperial Remnant, which is all that remains of the once all-powerful Galactic Empire. The journey to return his passenger to the client proves more dangerous than anyone could have ever imagined, but the Child demonstrates a mysterious power that changes everything about the Mandalorian's mission"--Back cover.

Star Wars

"Meet Grogu, the galaxy's cutest child. Zoom along with him in a starship. Learn about his powerful abilities and loyal friends, including the Mandalorian"--OCLC.

Star Wars, the Mandalorian

"After rescuing the child from the Empire, The Mandalorian Din Djarin has vowed to reunite Grogu with the mysterious Jedi. But while on his quest, Moff Gideon and his dark troopers recapture Grogu and take him aboard an Imperial Starcruiser! Will the Mandalorian and his allies Cara Dune, Boba Fett, and Bo-Katan be able to rescue Grogu?"--Back cover.
Cover image of Star Wars, the Mandalorian

Star Wars

junior novel
"The Mandalorian and Grogu continue their journey to find more of Grogu's kind as they make their way through a dangerous galaxy in the tumultuous era following the fall of the Empire. They will encounter strange creatures, mysterious Jedi, old friends, and the sinister Moff Gideon, who wants the Child for his own purposes . . ."--Provided by publisher.
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