Thirteen-year-old Anna, conceived specifically to provide blood and bone marrow for her sister Kate who was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia at the age of two, decides to sue her parents for control of her body when her mother wants her to donate a kidney to Kate.
After her mother's suicide when she is twelve years old, Yuki spends years living with her distant father and his resentful new wife, cut off from her mother's family, and relying on her own inner strength to cope with the tragedy.
Tallahassee lives with her freespirited mother, but when Mother goes to L.A. to try her luck in TV and movies, Tallahassee goes with her uncle whose conventional lifestyle makes her question her mother's values--and her own.
A thirteen-year-old girl gains a much more sympathetic understanding of her relationship with her mother when she has to spend a day in her mother's body.
While living with her grandparents when her mother goes to work in the city, a young Panamanian girl memorizes her mother's favorite poem, "Caperucita Roja," for her school's Christmas pageant.
Lupe, a young Mexican American, must translate for her mother who speaks only Spanish until Mrs. Gomez decides to learn English in order to get a better job.