Micro science

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The micro world of viruses and bacteria

"The world is full of tiny viruses and bacteria that can be seen only through a microscope. Some bacteria can be helpful, but others cause diseases such as typhoid fever. Viruses can cause deadly diseases such as COVID-19. Young readers will get all the facts about bacteria and viruses, including their similarities and differences, how they cause infections, and how people can keep dangerous germs from spreading"--.

The micro world of dust mites and other microscopic creatures

"Did you know that there are animals all around you that you can't see without a microscope? Sometimes it's good you can't see them. As you shed dead skin cells, thousands of dust mites gobble them up. Gross! Tiny water bears are super tough. They can survive in Earth's coldest and hottest places and even in space! Young readers will learn amazing, weird, and sometimes gross facts about a variety of microscopic creatures"--.

The micro world of atoms and molecules

"What do all the things you can see and touch in the universe have in common? Atoms! Made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons, atoms are so tiny you can't see them without special microscopes. Young readers will find out about the parts of atoms, how atoms join to form molecules, and their role in the periodic table of elements"--.
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