Dealing with addiction

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Gaming addiction

Video games are an enjoyable hobby in moderation. But when people play so much that they neglect other aspects of their lives, harm can result. Gaming Addiction examines the science behind this addiction, how it affects people's lives, and how modern treatments offer hope.

Smartphone addiction

This book is about teens and children being prone to smartphone addiction. It discusses how smartphones, can be addicting, the effect of the addiction and the link between mental health and smartphone addiction.

Vaping addiction

Describes vaping addiction, the science behind vaping addiction, the effects of vaping addiction, and how vaping addiction is treated.

Social media addiction

Describes social media addiction, the science of social media addiction, the effects of social media addiction, and how social media addiction is treated.

Drug and alcohol addiction

Describes drug and alcohol addiction, including the science of drug and alcohol addiction, the effects of drug and alcohol addiction, and how drug and alcohol addiction is treated.
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